Travel Dates Up Soon!

Well the time has come again for me to shed the ol’ skin and christen the new with a 3 month trip out west and back.  I will be tattooing in different cities all the way there and back so if you have been wanting to get tattooed but have lived too far away then there’s a good chance Ill be very near you at some point on the tour.  I will be posting the dates and shop locations on here this coming week so please check back if interested.  Analise and I will be driving and site seeing in between shops so if you wanna hang out or get a drink or give us a place to stay over night hahaha then please email and we will try to make that happen.  We are both very excited to meet new people and see what this trip has to offer.  I will be tattooing anywhere from 3-7 days at most shops and already have a fair amount of appointments before Ive posted news about this trip mostly from old clients and word of mouth but if you are interested in getting tattooed or hanging out email or text 336-509-6409 ASAP to guarantee an appointment.

As for updating this page more,  I will be doing so way more often if not every day so to those who’ve let me know my website sucked, hahaha,  Ill be better about it!  Analise will be taking care of appointments and overall managing of the business while on the road so if you call and are used to talking to me personally please allow her to take your appointment request and any other info and if you want to speak with me after she takes your info I will call you back!  Please allow 24 hrs on a reply text or phone call according to the subject matter.  We will both try very hard to stay on top of the incoming emails, text, and phone calls and really appreciate your patience and support!  Hope to see you all soon and Im still looking at places to stop and tattoo in the midwest!  So if you have any advice or a shop you think would have me then feel free to contact me about it!  Thanks again to everybody!  Here are a few photos from the past year tattooing at Legacy Irons Tattoo in Greensboro NC!  IMG_1956 IMG_2152 IMG_2842 IMG_4676 IMG_4694 IMG_5285 IMG_5941 IMG_6265

Going to Richmond…

I will be tattooing Absolute Art Tattoo in Richmond VA next week and I have one, maybe two appointment times to fill on Wednesday so if you are in the RVA area and would want to get tattooed please message me here or email mundaytattoo @ gmail dot com or text 828-485-8050! Thanks for the support everybody! Hope to see all my Richmond friends there! – Munday

Matt Bell Photos…

These photos were taken a month ago by a friend of a client and I wanted to post them here to help promote his work.  He is a rad dude and make sure you get up with him when you or your shop wants a great photographer to shoot the shop for  promotional ads or just for personal shots.  I really like the work he did for me and he came and did it for my customer but I also reaped the benefits and am appreciative.  Here is his link-

I also want to thank A.J. Klein (client in the photos) for being a great client and for being a great friend.  

New Back, Older Leg

My good friend Carla’s back.  She is one of the best customers Ive ever had.  Sits like no other and is always in a great mood.  Im having a lot of fun with this tattoo and its always a pleasure to tattoo people who really appreciate what they are getting.  Thanks Carla!  

This one below is on another radical chick friend Jess… Another tough,  appreciative,  always getting tattooed kinda client!  Did this one in September at the NC Tattoo Convention.  Thanks Jess…